How to repair dead pendrive (Transcend)

Some of the pendrive manufacturer is providing repair tools, using this tool you can repair your pendrive!

One of the pendrive manufacturer Transcend is provides a online recovery tool for the pendrive for recovery purpose.

This tutorial is all about Transcend pendrive repair tool.

Is your pendrive not recognizing? want to repair it? just follow this tutorial...

  1. Transcend JetFlash online recovery tool (link:
  2. Transcend pendrive which you want to repair!
  3. Internet connection!

  1. Download the appropriate version of Transcend Online Recovery Tool from above link or from official website!
  2. Attach pendrive to PC
  3. Before opening software make sure that you are connected to internet and Transcend pendrive is properly attached
  4. Now open software as Administrator
  5. As you can see that your drive will be listed. Select your drive and click on OK button!
  6. Wait till procedure to complete, after completion reattach drive and you will see your pendrive in working condition
Note: If pendrive still not detected then go to device manager and format your pendrive from that or you can use partition manager to format drive!
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