How to use Keyboard as mouse!

Nowadays its hard to operate computer without mouse and that mouse become necessary to operate a computer!

In a situation when mouse stops working and you need to complete a work in time at the time you can use your keyboard to handle mouse pointer.

Here is a small instruction on how to operate mouse pointer using keyboard.


  1. In your keyboard, left side, hold the key combination of Alt & Shift (i.e. ALT+SHIFT) and press NUM LOCK!
  2. Now you will see a popup titled "mouse key".
  3. Just press yes button and bingo you can use num pad to navigate pointer
  4. For upward press num 8 key
  5. For downward press num 2 key
  6. For left navigation press num 4 key
  7. And for right navigation press num 6 key
  8. To disable this you have to again press combination of two keys (left ALT + left SHIFT).
  9. Note that you have to compulsory use left sided ALT and SHIFT key otherwise it will not works!  
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